Ackerley Advertising launched Jump In Tucson!, a business talk show, on January 8, 2024, on KVOI 1030AM The Voice. The show features local businesses in long-format, interview style showcasing good things happening in Tucson, especially restaurants, retail, business, tourism, and hospitality. Jump In Tucson! lineup includes a different host and topic each day: Monday – Wonder and Discovery; Tuesday – Leadership hosted by General Ted Maxwell, sponsored by Southern Arizona Leadership Council; Wednesday – Food, Restaurants, Entertainment; Thursday – Culture and Tucson’s Heritage; Friday – Tucson, hosted by Dr. Ed Ackerley, sponsored by Ackerley Advertising.

KVOI 1030AM The Voice is Tucson’s only local talk radio station. Bustos Media is owned by Amador Busts and is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. Bustos owns and operates five radio stations in Tucson including KVOI 1030AM The Voice, The Drive 101.7FM and 830AM, The Groove 106.3FM, La Poderosa 105.3FM and Urbana 92.5FM. The Tucson operation is located at 3222 S Richey Blvd. Patty Ruiz is the General Manager and Gregg Gehringer is the Program/Operations Director. Chris DeSimone has hosted Wake Up Tucson for 14 years from 6 am to 9 am, and the morning programs are produced by Matt Neely.

Jump In Tucson! is produced by Ackerley Advertising. Ackerley Advertising is a full-service advertising agency established in 1968 specializing in custom campaigns in advertising, marketing, public relations,
event management, government engagement, and non-profit leadership.

William Ackerley has fifty years of experience in audio, video, digital, and graphic production. As co-owner and partner, he oversees creative production for clients.

Dr. Ed Ackerley, co-owner and partner, is the account executive and handles client relations and community relationships. Dr. Ackerley is a faculty member at the University of Arizona in the Eller College
of Management.

Hunter Ackerley handles guest scheduling.

Morgan Murphy is the Executive Assistant.


Institutions interested in sponsoring the program, buying commercials in the show, or finding out how Ackerley Advertising’s 55 years of experience can help grow a company, non-profit, or organization, contact:
Dr. Ed Ackerley, Ackerley Advertising (520) 850-7058. For sample work visit